Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

 The submission of this article represents original, unpublished material that is not under editorial consideration elsewhere, in whole or in part.

 The submission file is Word-readable (e.g. odt, doc, docx, rtf, txt; do not use compressed file formats like zip or rar) or PDF; upload figures preferably as png. Each individual file must be smaller than 4 MB.

 This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

✔ Cover letter addressing to the Editor-in Chief or handling editor mentioning the purpose of your submission should be submitted along with the manuscript. 

✔ Manuscript should consist of Title page, Abstract and keywords, Main Text which includes Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. Declarations section should include Acknowledgments, Funding Information, Authors Contribution, Conflict of Interest, Data Availability, Ethical Approvals and Consent for Publication.

✔ Supplementary materials should be submitted separately while submitting the articles.

 All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.

 All tables and figures have been numbered and labelled.

 Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

 Fast Track publication is available in Human Biology Journal and authors has to check fast track publication charges before submissions.

 Authors must indicate whether or not they have a financial relationship with the organization that sponsored the research. This note should be added in a separate section before the reference list. If no conflict exists, authors should state: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

 The authors have clearly stated any potential conflicts of interest in the manuscript.

 Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the author(s) agrees to pay the publication fee as per the journal’s publication fee policy (Article Processing Charge, APC).

Submissions should be consisting of

  • A cover letter to the editors
  • Manuscript in a word or PDF format.

The manuscript should be formatted to include a title page, an abstract, a list of keywords, a running title, the complete article text, a reference section, and any accompanying tables and figures along with their respective captions. The entire text should be formatted with double spacing. The final revised manuscript should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document format.

Style Notes


Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts as a Microsoft Word document. The manuscript should be double spaced including author affiliations the Literature Cited section, figures, tables and with respective legends.

The manuscript should be organized as follows. The first page should be a title page, including the title of the paper, authors’ names, complete authors’ affiliations, corresponding Author Details.

On the second page, an abstract (maximum 500 words) should provide a summarized overview of the article, focusing on results and conclusions rather than mere description. The prereview made by the editors is based solely on the abstract and title; therefore, the abstract should be comprehensive and informative.

The third page onwards will host the actual article text, which should encompass distinct sections: an introduction (without a separate title) outlining the topic's background and the article's purpose, the materials and methods section detailing the study population, statistical and measurement methods, etc., the results, a discussion, and if necessary, a perspectives section.


Each reference in the Literature Cited section should be complete. For journal articles this means that you should include the names of the first three authors (and then “et al.” to indicate more than three authors), date, title of article, journal title (abbreviated according to Index Medicus, or spelled out completely if the journal is not listed in the Index), volume number, and inclusive page numbers.

Example: Smith, J. 2008. Distribution of haplogroups in Indian populations. Hum. Biol. 90:115.

For chapters in a book you must list the names of the first three authors, date, title of chapter, title of book, editors of book, publisher and its location (city and state if in the United States; city and country otherwise), volume number if necessary, and inclusive page numbers.

Example : Jones, M. 2008. Overview. In Distribution of Haplogroups in India, J. Smith and N. Brown, eds. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 122.

If you are referencing an entire book, include the names of the first three authors (or editors), date, title, and publisher and its location.

Example : Smith, J., and N. Brown, eds. Distribution of Haplogroups in India. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.


You should place the tables after the Literature Cited section. Each table should be placed on a separate page, double-spaced, in Human Biology style. Use the table function in Word if at all possible (if you cannot use the table function, then use tabs between entries to make the columns; do not insert a series of spaces). Do not use vertical or slant rules. Keep in mind that the table should not contain more columns of data than will fit on a printed page turned sideways. The tables should be numbered sequentially in the order they are to appear. Make sure that each table is cited in the text in sequential order. Each column should have a heading, and all units should be clearly marked (%, cm, etc.).

Figures and Figure Captions

After the tables should be a list of figure captions. Because the figure captions are typeset, they should not be part of the actual illustrations. They should be placed on a separate page as you would the text, that is, double-spaced. You do not have to use a separate page for each caption. All illustrations should be numbered sequentially. Keys and other internal matter should be lettered on the figure, or if possible, included in the figure caption.

Photographs should be supplied as high-resolution TIF or JPG files. Resolution should be approximately 300 dpi at actual printed size (i.e., the size when printed in the journal).

The ideal format for figures, charts, and graphs is a "vector" format (i.e., Adobe Illustrator .AI or .EPS files, or a vector .PDF file), as this allows the most flexibility for re-sizing as required for the journal, and the best possible quality when printing. If a vector format is not available, then please send a high-resolution TIF or JPG. Please make sure that legends, axis labels, and other text elements are of sufficient size to be readable when re-sized to fit the journal layout.

In addition, authors should be aware that they could be charged $50 per color figure if the editors determine that the color is necessary for the print version of the journal. In order to avoid being charged, authors should create grayscale or black and white versions of all color figures for the print journal. All figures will appear in color for the online version of the journal.

Reviewed Books

Books produced by North American and international publishers should be sent for review to Ripan Malhi, Department of Anthropology, 607 S Matthews Ave., M/C 148, Urbana, IL 61801.