Study on the Improvement of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in mice by Traditional Chinese Medicine Yiqi Shengji Decoction with Combined Acupuncture
To describe the composition, efficacy, production process and advantages of Yiqishengji decoction, a new product developed by our team. Clinical experiments prove that acupuncture can improve the intestinal flora of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients and slow down amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Experimental method. On March 2024, 107 patients with ALS were recruited in this study and the generation of Yiqishengji decoction was made for them. Forty ALS-SOD1G93A mice were also given Yiqishengji decoction compared with control group. Results. After 7 days’ treatment of Yiqishengji decoction with combined acupuncture, the behavior of both patients and mice was improved. 99% of the patients felt comfortable after drinking. A small part of the taste may be slightly sweet, salty and milky. Conclusion. Yiqishengji decoction with combined acupuncture might improve the symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in ALS-SOD1G93A mice and its taste deserves to be more widely promoted